Building Bridges Engagement Forums - Youth


  1. Ethnic antagonism and competition/ Inclusivity
  1. Why is there ethnic antagonism and competition every time Kenya gets into the elections period?
    1. What other times does ethnic antagonism and competition manifest?
    2. In your opinion, what can be done to deal with antagonism and competition in Kenya?
  2. What does the term inclusion mean to you in Kenya?
    1. Why do certain communities feel discriminated or excluded in the governance of the country?
    2. What can be done to address the feeling of discrimination?
      1. Who do you think is best placed to address the feeling of discrimination?
  3.  Why do certain communities feel that the communities with the Presidency/Deputy Presidency benefit more than others?
    1. What can be done to address this sense of exclusion? Who do you think is best placed to address the feeling of exclusion of some communities
  4. There is currently a clamour/suggestion for constitutional review by political leaders, religious and civil society organizations to address ethnic antagonism and enhance a sense of inclusivity in national governance, resource and opportunity sharing. What is your opinion about these clamour?
    1. In your opinion, if there were to be an amendment to our Kenyan laws, what would you suggest to alleviate ethnic antagonism and competition?
    2. What amendments can you propose to our Kenyan laws to enhance inclusivity/ feeling of inclusion?
  5. In your view will the current clamour/suggestion for constitutional review as being proposed by various political leaders, religious and civil society initiatives help deal with ethnic antagonism and inclusivity?


  1. Lack of a national ethos/Corruption
  1. When I mention the word ‘a national ethos’ what comes to your mind?
  2. If I said that Kenya has a national ethos, what would you say? Why?
  3. Do you think Kenya needs a national ethos?
    1. If so, what should be Kenya’s national ethos/values/culture or philosophy? Why do you say so?
      1. How can we cultivate (insert mentioned etho) in the Kenyan society?
  4. What are some of the reasons why Kenyans struggle to have a national ethos? 
    1. What can be done to address them?
  5. (If corruption is mentioned) What have you heard about corruption in Kenya?
    1. What about in your county where you live?
  6. What is your opinion about corruption in Kenya?
    1. Why do you think there is an entrenched culture of corruption in Kenya?
    2. What are some of the ways corruption is affecting Kenya?
      1. What about how corruption affects your county?
      2. What of yourself and family?
    3. How can corruption be rooted out of the country/ county?
  7. What is your opinion regarding the fight against corruption currently being witnessed in Kenya? Why do you say so?
    1. Do you believe it will be sustained? Why/ why not?
  8. Some people have said that the way party primaries are conducted encourage corruption, others disagree. What is your opinion?
    1. Why do you hold such an opinion?
  9. Some people have said that if parties and candidates declared the sources of funding for their campaigns, corruption will be addressed, others disagree. What is your opinion?
    1. Why do you hold such an opinion?
  10. In your view will the current clamour/suggestion for constitutional review as being proposed by various political leaders, religious and civil society initiatives help deal with national ethos and corruption?


  1. Divisive elections
  1. What is you view about elections in Kenya? Why?
    1. What of party primaries in Kenya? Why?
    2. What of your view about IEBC? Why?
  2. Which election(s) do you think divide Kenyans the most? Why?
    1. Why is it that the mentioned election(s) divide Kenyans?
    2. What can be done to ensure that these elections are not as divisive as they have been?
  3. What role can IEBC play to ensure that elections are not divisive if at all?
    1. If you were to be specific, what areas should IEBC improve on to win the trust of Kenyans as an institution?
      1. Why do you say so?
  4. Why do some people from some parts of the country reject some results as announced by the IEBC?
    1. In your opinion, what reforms may be needed to make elections more free, fair and credible?
    2. What reforms are needed to ensure that elections are held in a peaceful and conflict free environment and that the deaths and confrontations over elections are avoided or totally minimized?
  5. In your view will the current clamour/suggestion for constitutional review as being proposed by various political leaders, religious and civil society initiatives help to improve elections management, processes and improve the environment of holding elections in future?
  6. Some people have suggested that county elections should be held on a different date from the national election. What is your opinion?
    1. Why do you hold such an opinion?
  7. Some people have said that the way party primaries are conducted encourage divisive elections, others disagree. What is your opinion?
    1. Why do you hold such an opinion?
  8. Some people have said that if parties and candidates declared the sources of funding for their campaigns, divisive elections will be addressed, others disagree. What is your opinion?
    1. Why do you hold such an opinion?
  9. Describe to us the type of leaders produced by our elections in Kenya?
    1. Would you consider the leaders through the elections as best? Why/Why not?
    2. What can be done to ensure that Kenya’s election produce the best leaders for Kenya?


  1. Safety and security/ Responsibilities and rights
  1. What are some of the security threats to you or others where you live, if any?
    1. What about at the national level, what would you consider as security threats?
    2. What have you or others around you done about the threats in your area, if any?
    3. How would you describe the responses you or others have received from the security forces in your area regarding the security threats in your area?
  2. In your opinion, what should the security forces do to make Kenya more safe and secure?
    1. How can we improve Kenya’s security and safety in terms of;
      1. Prevention (from incidences of insecurity and violation of rights)
      2. Protection (of vulnerable people in the community such as children, women, PWDs, the elderly against general crime, violence, SGBV etc)
      3. Promotion of security (through education, community policing and citizens’ responsibility, partnerships, modernization, Security Sector Reforms)
      4. Provision of services (for victims and survivors of insecurity and incidences of violation such as protection of evidence, investigations, prosecutions) in cases of crisis and emergencies?
  3. Describe to me what you think about the quality of services rendered by the National Police Service. Why do you describe it as so?
    1. Do you believe that the security forces treat people from all tribes the same around elections? Why/ why not?
    2. Generally, what can be done to ensure that our National Police Service improves its relations with the citizens?
  4. How do we ensure that the various sources of conflicts in many parts of the country (Such as boundaries, ethnic and clan rivalry, cattle rustling, water/grazing resources, competition over electoral seats, employment distribution etc) are prevented, managed effectively or resolved while observing the do no harm principle?
    1. What should be done to the victims of electoral related violence and police killings, destruction of property, closed down businesses?
    2. What kind of education and programming is needed in order to promote awareness on the Bill of rights and for Kenyans to act with responsibility while demanding for their rights?


  1. Devolution/Shared prosperity/ BIG FOUR Agenda
  1. Describe to us what you feel about devolution so far.
    1. What about the performance of your county government so far? Why do you describe it as so?
      1. From what you know or may have heard, which county, if any, do you believe is performing much better than your county in Kenya?
        1. What have you heard about that county?
  2. What are some of the challenges county governments may be experiencing in delivering to the public in your area?
    1. What specific recommendations would you make to strengthening devolution and public service delivery, if any?
  3. The county governments are required to consult the general public in decision making in the counties. Describe to me how members of the public are consulted in your county if at all.
    1. What can be done to enhance public engagement by the county government?
  4. The National Government came up with the Big Four Agenda which includes; Universal Healthcare Care, Housing, Manufacturing for employment creation and Agriculture for food security. Would you consider these four the most urgent and high priority development needs for your people in your county?
    1. If not, what other issues would you consider important for the people in your county?
  5. What are your views on taxation, borrowing and debt in Kenya?
  6. In your view will the current clamor/suggestion for constitutional review as being proposed by various political leaders, religious and civil society initiatives help to strengthen devolution, the economy and service delivery in Kenya?

Created on Oct. 22, 2018, 4:49 p.m.
Submitted by: Sylvia Katua


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