Draft Restriction of Air Travel Order




(No. 21 of 2013)





It is notified for the general information of the public that pursuant to regulation 18 of the Civil Aviation (Operation of Aircraft) Regulations, 2013, the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority restricts air transport due to the COVID-19 pandemic as set out herein.

  1. All scheduled and non-scheduled international passenger flights are temporarily suspended with effect from …… 2020.


  1. Despite paragraph (1), the following flights shall be allowed to operate—

  1. domestic flights, in areas where restriction of movement is not in force;

  2. scheduled and non-scheduled cargo flights operating to and from airports of entry and exit;

  3. overflights;

  4. aircrafts in a state of emergency;

  5. aircrafts entering Kenya for non-traffic purposes;

  6. diplomatic flights approved by the appropriate authority; and

  7. flights used for humanitarian aid, medical evacuation or repatriation where approved by the appropriate authority.


  1. Paragraph (1) shall not apply to Alternate Aerodromes identified in a flight plan including Extended Diversion Time Operations.


  1. Any flight used by a repatriating government to repatriate its nationals shall be allowed into the Kenyan airspace under the following conditions—

(a) the repatriating Government shall—

  1. make a formal request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and provide details of the flight; and

  2. obtain consent of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Transport Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Development and Public Works;

(b) any inbound flight shall be flown into Kenya without passengers; and

(c) the crew making a landing in Kenya shall be certified to be free from COVID-19 at the point of departure.


  1. The crew of any flight allowed to operate under paragraph (2), with the exception of domestic flights and cargo flights, shall be required to self-isolate in designated hotels during their rest period, if disembarking.

  2. An aircraft operator shall ensure that the aircraft is disinfected.

  3. The operator of an approved flight shall—

  1. express its intention in writing to the Authority before undertaking the flight; and

  2. before departure and immediately after arrival, submit passenger declaration forms and passenger manifests, complete with passenger names and seat numbers to the appropriate authorities.


Dated the ………………………………………………, 2020



Director –General, Kenya Civil Aviation Authority


Created on May 11, 2020, 1:07 p.m.
Submitted by: Sylvia Katua


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